Immune Booster

from 4.00 BGN

Bee honey + Royal Jelly + Bee Pollen + Propolis. This combination is the ultimate elixir of bee products! It has great health benefits and supports the immune system!

Free delivery over BGN 200 to Econt office
Environmentally friendly production
SKU: 3095 Categories: , , ,

ApiComplex, ApiTonic or just All in One – it has a lot of names and different proportions. We call it Immune Booster. It definitely is the best mixture of products to support your health!

Ingredients: ·

1% Royal Jelly – The superfood of the Queen Bee. It is a unique product, extremely rich in minerals, amino acids, enzymes and a great variety of B vitamins. The royal jelly has various health benefits – it lowers cholesterol levels, helps reducing blood sugar levels, has anti-aging effect, supports healthy brain functions, has antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects, supports healthy immune system. ·

2% propolis – The Antibiotic of the bees. Applications of propolis include formulations for cold syndrome (upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, and flu-like infections), as well as dermatological preparations useful in wound healing, treatment of burns, acne and neurodermatitis.  ·

10% Bee pollen – Food for champions! Bee pollen (in addition to honey) is bees’ food and it contains approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body. Such highly assimilable protein can contribute significantly to one's protein needs. Because of its’ unique amino acids composition it is very good for active people and for people who do sports, for overworking youngsters or elder people. It has significant health benefits and it is an ultimate nutrient. ·

Last but not least we have the bee honey as a main participant in this Immune Booster mixture. It is well-known product and everyone is familiar with its great qualities, especially if it is 100% natural and pure. Very important to mention is that all the products and combination of ingredients we produce, are 100% natural and have all the certificates and licenses of origin and quality.

Additional information

Weight 0.085 kg

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